First interview in 5 years coming up - wish me luck!

I’ve been running my own consulting firm for the past 5 years and I’ve done pretty well for myself. I’m proud of what I accomplished in that time but the current economic climate combined with some personal health issues means I need to (and want to!) go back to working full time for someone else.

I’ve been “unemployed” for 8 months now and actively looking for work for 6 months. There’s been pretty limited stuff to apply to so I haven’t done hundreds of applications but it’s not a small amount either and this is the first interview I’ve gotten. I’m usually pretty strong in interviews but the nerves are high on this one - the work is interesting, it looks like it’s WFH which is ideal for me and I really need a job ASAP.

Things I’m most nervous about: they haven’t specified salary range and I’m extremely out of touch with what it should be given that I’ve been self-employed for so long. Also trying to explain why I’m going from running my own company to looking for FT employment is going to be interesting.

Anyways, mostly I’m just looking to dump my nerves here so I can gather myself together and feel calmer but also… wish me luck please, internet strangers!

Author: bucketts90